Session V1 Rest API

The session management REST APIs allow to authenticate and establish an HTTP session.
Using this APIs and creating a session is the recommended way for interact with Kura rest APIs from a browser based application.

The supported workflows are the following:

Login and resource access workflow

  1. Try calling the GET/xsrfToken to get an XSRF token, if the request succeeds a vaild session is already available, it is possible to proceed to step 4.

    • It is not necessary to call GET/xsrfToken again until the current session expires, the obtained token is valid as long as the current session is valid.
  2. Call the POST/login/password or POST/login/certificate providing the credentials to create a new session.

    • This request will return a session cookie with the response. The session cookie name is currently JSESSIONID. It is important to provide the received cookies in successive requests using the Cookie HTTP request header. If this is not done, requests will fail with 401 code. If the request is performed by a browser, cookie management should be performed automatically.

    • If password authentication has been used and the response object reports that a password change is needed, perform the Update password workflow

  3. Repeat step 1. to get an XSRF token.

  4. Access the desired resources, set the XSRF token previously obtained as the value of the X-XSRF-Token HTTP header on each request. If a reuqest fails with error code 401, proceed to step 2.

Login example with curl

1. Login with username/password and collect the session cookie
curl -k -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    https://$ADDRESS/services/session/v1/login/password \
    -d '{"password": "$KURA_PASS", "username": "$KURA_USER"}' -v


  • $ADDRESS: is the address of the Kura instance
  • $KURA_USER: is the Kura username
  • $KURA_PASS: is the Kura password

in the log you should find a JSESSIONID you'll use in subsequent requests

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2023 08:17:26 GMT
< Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=myawesomecookie; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 30
* Connection #0 to host left intact
2. Retrieve the XSRF token
curl -k -X GET \
    -b "JSESSIONID=myawesomecookie" \

in the response you'll find your XSRF token you'll need to use in subsequent requests

3. Access the resource

Using the Cookie and the XSRF token you just retrieved you can access your desired resource

curl -k -X GET \
    -H 'X-XSRF-Token: myawesometoken' \
    -b "JSESSIONID=myawesomecookie" \

Update password workflow

  1. Get an XSRF token using the GET/xsrfToken endpoint.

  2. Call the POST/changePassword, providing both the new and old password, make sure to include the X-XSRF-Token HTTP header.

  3. Repeat the Authentication and resource access workflow, starting from step 1.

Sessions will expire after an inactivity interval that can be configured using the Session Inactivity Interval (Seconds) RestService configuration parameter. After session expiration, a new login will be necessary.

In order to add protection against XSRF attacks, it is necessary to provide an token using the X-XSRF-Token HTTP header in all requests. The token can be obtained using the GET/xsrfToken endpoint after a successful login.

Session will be invalidated if the current identity credentials are changed, in this case a new login will be necessary.

If a password change is required for the current identity, it will be necessary to perform the Update password workflow before being able to access the other resources.


Request definitions


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/login/password
  • description : Creates a new session by providing identity name and password. If the response reports that a password change is needed, it is necessary to update the current password in order to be able to access other REST APIs.
  • request body :
  • responses :
    • 200
    • 401
      • description : The provided credentials are not correct.
    • 500


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/login/certificate
  • description : Creates a new session using certificate based authentication. The response will report if the current identity needs a password change for informational purposes only.
    If authentication is performed using this endpoint, access to other REST APIs will be allowd even if password change is required for the current identity.
  • responses :
    • 200
    • 401
      • description : The provided credentials are not correct.
    • 500


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/xsrfToken
  • description : Gets the XSRF token associated with the current session. It is not necessary to call this method again until the current session expires, the obtained token is valid as long as the current session is valid.
  • responses :
    • 200
      • description : Request succeeded, the XSRF token is returned in response body.
      • response body :
    • 401
      • description : The current session is not valid.
    • 500


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/logout
  • description : Terminates the current session.
  • responses :
    • 204
      • description : Request succeeded, the session is no longer valid.
    • 401
      • description : The current session is not valid
    • 500


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/changePassword
  • description : Changes the password associated with the current identity. The new password will be validated against the currently configured password strength requirements.
    The current password strenght requirements can be retrieved using the identity/v1/passwordRequirements endpoint.
  • request body :
  • responses :
    • 204
      • description : Request succeeded. The current password has been changed. The session is no longer valid, a new login is required.
    • 400
      • description : The new password is not valid. This can be due to the fact that it does not fullfill the current password strenght requirements.
    • 401
      • description : The current session is not valid.
    • 500


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/currentIdentity
  • description : Provides information about the currently authenticated identity.
  • responses :
    • 200
      • description : Request succeeded
      • response body :
    • 401
      • description : The current session is not valid.
    • 500


  • REST API path : /services/session/v1/authenticationInfo
  • description : Provides information about the available authentication methods.
  • responses :
    • 200
    • 401
      • description : The current session is not valid.
    • 500

JSON definitions


Represents the response for a successful authentication request.


  • passwordChangeNeeded: bool
    Determines whether a password change is required for the current identity.
  "passwordChangeNeeded": true


Contains an username and password.


  • username: string
    The user name.

  • password: string
    The user password.

  "password": "bar",
  "username": "foo"


An object containing an XSRF token.


  • xsrfToken: string
    The XSRF token.
  "xsrfToken": "d2b68613-152f-41d5-8b5b-a19448ed0e4e"


An object containing the current password and a new password.


  • currentPassword: string
    The current password.

  • newPassword: string
    The new password.

  "currentPassword": "foo",
  "newPassword": "bar"


An object containing information about the current identity


  • name: string
    The name of the current identity.

  • passwordChangeNeeded: bool
    Determines whether a password change is required for the current identity.

  • permissions: array
    The list of permissions assigned to the current identity.

    • array element type: string
      The permission name.
  "name": "foo",
  "passwordChangeNeeded": false,
  "permissions": [


An object containing information about the enabled authentication methods.


  • passwordAuthenticationEnabled: bool
    Reports whether authentication using the login/password endpoint is enabled.

  • certificateAuthenticationEnabled: bool
    Reports whether authentication using the login/certificate endpoint is enabled.

  • certificateAuthenticationPorts: array (optional)
    The list of ports available for certificate based authentication. This property will be present only if certificateAuthenticationEnabled is true

    • array element type: string
      A port that can be used for certificate based authentication.
  • message: string (optional)
    Reports the content of the Login Banner, if configured on the device. A browser based application should display this message to the user before login if this property is set.
    This property will be missing if the login banner is not enabled.

  "certificateAuthenticationEnabled": false,
  "passwordAuthenticationEnabled": true
  "certificateAuthenticationEnabled": true,
  "certificateAuthenticationPorts": [
  "passwordAuthenticationEnabled": true
  "certificateAuthenticationEnabled": false,
  "message": "login banner content",
  "passwordAuthenticationEnabled": true


An object reporting a failure message.


  • message: string
    A message describing the failure.