How to Use Legacy Bluetooth LE Beacon Scanner
This guide uses the deprecated ESF Bluetooth APIs. Please consider to use the new ones.
The Bluetooth Beacon Scanner example is a bundle for Eclipse Kura that uses the Bluetooth LE service to search for near Beacon devices. A Beacon device is a Bluetooth Low Energy device that broadcasts its identity to nearby devices. It uses a specific BLE packet, called beacon or advertising packet, that contains the following information:
Proximity UUID - a 128-bit value that uniquely identifies one or more beacons as a certain type or from a certain organization.
Major value - an optional 16-bit unsigned integer that can group related beacons with the same proximity UUID.
Minor value - an optional 16-bit unsigned integer that differentiates beacons with the same proximity UUID and major value.
Tx Power - a value programmed into the beacon that enables distance from the beacon to be determined based on signal strength.
The Beacon Scanner bundle is configured with a Company Code in order to filter the near beacons. So, only beacons with a specific Company Code are discovered by the bundle and their information are reported. Moreover the bundle is able to roughly estimate the distance from the beacon.
For further information about the Beacons, please refer to the How to Use Bluetooth LE Beacons.
An embedded device running ESF with Bluetooth 4.0 (LE) capabilities.
bluez_ packet must be installed on the embedded device. Follow the installation instructions in How to Use Bluetooth LE.
For this tutorial, a Raspberry Pi Type B with a LMTechnologies LM506 Bluetooth 4.0 dongle is used.
Beacon Scanning with ESF
The Beacon Scanner bundle is a Kura example that allows you to configure the Company Code for the Beacon filtering and to start/stop the scanner procedure.
Develop the Beacon Scanner Bundle
The Beacon Scanner bundle code development follows the guidelines presented in the Hello World Application :
Create a Plug-in Project named org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.
Create the class BeaconScannerExample.
Include the following bundles in the MANIFEST.MF:
- org.eclipse.kura.bluetooth
- org.eclipse.kura.configuration
- org.osgi.service.component
- org.slf4j
The following files need to be implemented in order to write the source code:
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - OSGi manifest that describes the bundle and its dependencies.
OSGI-INF/beaconExample.xml - declarative services definition that describes the services exposed and consumed by this bundle.
OSGI-INF/metatype/org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample.xml - configuration description of the bundle and its parameters, types, and defaults.
- - main implementation class.
OSGI-INF/metatype/org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample.xml File
The OSGI-INF/metatype/org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample.xml file describes the parameters for this bundle including the following:
enableScanning - enables Beacon scanning.
companyCode - defines a 16-bit company code as hex string.
iname - provides the name of the Bluetooth adapter. File
The file contains the activate, deactivate and updated methods for this bundle. The activate and updated methods gets the properties from the configurable component and, if the scanning is enabled, call the setup private method. This method gets the BluetoothAdapter, enables the interface if needed, and starts the scan calling the bluetootAdapter.startBeaconScan(companyCode, listener) method. The arguments of the method are the companyCode and a listener that is notified when a device is detected. In this case, the BeaconScannerExample class implements BluetoothBeaconScanListener.
The following code sample shows the setup method:
private void setup() {
this.publishTimes = new HashMap<String, Long>();
this.bluetoothAdapter = this.bluetoothService.getBluetoothAdapter(this.adapterName);
if (this.bluetoothAdapter != null) {
this.bluetoothAdapter.startBeaconScan(this.companyCode, this);
Since BeaconScannerExample implements BluetoothBeaconScanListener, the onBeaconDataReceived method must be overridden. When a device is detected, the listener is notified and the onBeaconDataReceived method is called with a BluetoothBeaconData object. The BluetoothBeaconData class contains the following fields:
uuid - a 128-bit value that uniquely identifies one or more beacons as a certain type or from a certain organization.
address - the source of the beacon
major - an optional 16-bit unsigned integer that can group related beacons with the same proximity UUID.
minor - an optional 16-bit unsigned integer that differentiates beacons with the same proximity UUID and major value.
rssi - the Received Signal Strength Indication
txpower - a value programmed into the beacon that enables distance from the beacon to be determined based on signal strength.
The following code is an implementation of onBeaconDataReceived that logs the BluetoothBeaconData fields:
public void onBeaconDataReceived(BluetoothBeaconData beaconData) {
logger.debug("Beacon from {} detected.", beaconData.address);
long now = System.nanoTime();
Long lastPublishTime = this.publishTimes.get(beaconData.address);
// If this beacon is new, or it last published more than 'rateLimit' ms ago
if (lastPublishTime == null || (now - lastPublishTime) / 1000000L > this.rateLimit) {
// Store the publish time against the address
this.publishTimes.put(beaconData.address, now);
if (this.cloudPublisher == null) {"No cloud publisher selected. Cannot publish!");
// Publish the beacon data to the beacon's topic
KuraPayload kp = new KuraPayload();
kp.setTimestamp(new Date());
kp.addMetric("uuid", beaconData.uuid);
kp.addMetric("txpower", beaconData.txpower);
kp.addMetric("rssi", beaconData.rssi);
kp.addMetric("major", beaconData.major);
kp.addMetric("minor", beaconData.minor);
kp.addMetric("distance", calculateDistance(beaconData.rssi, beaconData.txpower));
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put("address", beaconData.address);
KuraMessage message = new KuraMessage(kp, properties);
try {
} catch (KuraException e) {
logger.error("Unable to publish", e);
Finally, the Beacon Scanner is able to roughly estimate the distance of the detected beacon using the calculateDistance method:
private double calculateDistance(int rssi, int txpower) {
double distance;
int ratioDB = txpower - rssi;
double ratioLinear = Math.pow(10, (double) ratioDB / 10);
distance = Math.sqrt(ratioLinear);
return distance;
Deploy and Validate the Bundle
In order to proceed, you need to know the IP address of your embedded gateway that is on the remote target unit. With this information, follow the mToolkit instructions for installing a single bundle to the remote target device located here. When the installation is complete, the bundle starts automatically.
In the ESF Gateway Administration Console, the BeaconScannerExample tab appears on the left and enables the device to be configured for scanning.
You should see a message similar to the one below from /var/log/kura.log or the journal indicating that the bundle was successfully installed and configured.
2016-08-08 14:39:48,351 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 6)] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - Activating Bluetooth Beacon Scanner example...
2016-08-08 14:39:48,353 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 6)] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - Activating Bluetooth Beacon Scanner example...Done
2016-08-08 14:39:48,373 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 6)] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurableComponentTracker - Adding ConfigurableComponent with pid org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample, service pid org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample and factory pid null
2016-08-08 14:39:48,373 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 6)] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Registration of ConfigurableComponent org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample by org.eclipse.kura.core.configuration.ConfigurationServiceImpl@1197c95...
2016-08-08 14:40:40,186 [qtp23115489-40] WARN o.e.k.w.s.s.SkinServlet - Resource File /opt/eurotech/esf/console/skin/skin.js does not exist
2016-08-08 14:40:56,996 [qtp23115489-42] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Loading init configurations from: 1470667042563...
2016-08-08 14:40:57,679 [qtp23115489-42] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Merging configuration for pid: org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample
2016-08-08 14:40:57,687 [qtp23115489-42] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Updating Configuration of ConfigurableComponent org.eclipse.kura.example.beacon.scanner.BeaconScannerExample ... Done.
2016-08-08 14:40:57,689 [qtp23115489-42] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Writing snapshot - Saving /opt/eurotech/esf/data/snapshots/snapshot_1470667257688.xml...
2016-08-08 14:40:57,914 [qtp23115489-42] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Writing snapshot - Saving /opt/eurotech/esf/data/snapshots/snapshot_1470667257688.xml... Done.
2016-08-08 14:40:57,916 [qtp23115489-42] INFO o.e.k.c.c.ConfigurationServiceImpl - Snapshots Garbage Collector. Deleting /opt/eurotech/esf/data/snapshots/snapshot_1470651681077.xml
2016-08-08 14:40:58,013 [Component Resolve Thread (Bundle 6)] INFO o.e.k.l.b.l.BluetoothLeScanner - Starting bluetooth le beacon scan...
Using a device equipped with ESF acting as a Beacon (see How to Use Bluetooth LE Beacons), the following lines appear on the log file when the device is detected:
2016-08-08 14:49:03,487 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - UUID : AAAAAAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEE
2016-08-08 14:49:03,488 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - TxPower : -58
2016-08-08 14:49:03,488 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - RSSI : -55
2016-08-08 14:49:03,489 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - Major : 0
2016-08-08 14:49:03,489 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - Minor : 0
2016-08-08 14:49:03,490 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - Address : 5C:F3:70:60:63:8F
2016-08-08 14:49:03,490 [BluetoothProcess BTSnoop Gobbler] INFO o.e.k.e.b.s.BeaconScannerExample - Distance : 0.7079457843841379
Updated over 1 year ago