Security V1 Rest API


This API id deprecated and superseded by the Security V2 Rest APIs


This API can also be accessed via the RequestHandler with app-id: SEC-V1.

The SecurityRestService APIs provides methods to manage the system security.
Identities with permissions can access these APIs.

POST methods

Security policy fingerprint reload

  • Description: This method allows the reload of the security policy's fingerprint
  • Method: POST
  • API PATH: services/security/v1/security-policy-fingerprint/reload
  • 200 OK status
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Reload command line fingerprint

  • Description: This method allows the reload of the command line fingerprint
  • Method: POST
  • API PATH: services/security/v1/command-line-fingerprint/reload
  • 200 OK status
  • 500 Internal Server Error

GET methods

Debug enabled


Access to this resource doesn't require the permission.

  • Description: This method allows you to check whether debug mode is enabled in the system.
  • Method: GET
  • API PATH: services/security/v1/debug-enabled
  • 200 OK status
  • 500 Internal Server Error