BoltGATE 20-31

The BoltGATE 20-31 is a modular edge gateway that can be extended in physical capabilities by plugging add-on devices like the Eurotech BoltAIR.
The plugging of additional components can require few changes to the ESF component configuration that will be described in the following paragraphs.

GPS Configuration

ESF is configured by default to use the GPSd service provided at Linux level. The user will just need to make sure that the gpsd provider in the ESF PositionService is selected and the selected port corresponds to the firewall configuration. Once the PositionService is enabled, it should be able to pick the position events from the GPSd provider.


The internal and BTAIR-20-31-11 modem provide additional GPS devices. In standard gateway SKUs the antenna for these GPS devices are not connected, even if ESF can manage them. So, they must not be enabled using the ESF UI to avoid undesired behaviors.

Ethernet Configuration

The default configuration of the Ethernet interfaces for a BTGATE-20-31-21 is the following:

Interface NameGateway LabelStatus
eno1ETH2Enabled for LAN - Static address with DHCP server
enp2s0ETH1Enabled for WAN - DHCP Client
enp5s0ETH0Enabled for LAN - DHCP Client

When a BTAIR-20-31-11 is plugged to the BoltGATE, the ethernet setup is as follows:

Interface NameGateway LabelStatus
eno1ETH2Enabled for LAN - Static address with DHCP server
enp2s0ETH1Enabled for WAN - DHCP Client

Wireless Configuration

For the BTGATE-20-31-21 and BTGATE-20-31-31 the integrated wireless interface is named wlp1s0
By default, the interface is disabled.

To set the right Regulatory Domain create or edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/cfg80211.conf
with the following content and then reboot the system.

options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=<your regulatory domain>

When a BTAIR-20-31-11 is plugged to a BoltGATE 20-31, a new interface named wlp6s0 will be available. It is disabled by default in ESF.

Firewall Configuration

Following the ESF firewall configuration for the BoltGATE 20-31:

PortProtocolPermitted NetworkPermitted Interface Name

Modem Support

ESF completely supports both the BoltGATE 20-31 internal modem and the BTAIR-20-31-11 modem.

Journald persistence

EL 20.1.0 uses in RAM journal
EL 30.0.0 uses persisted journal

Clock Service

Chrony-advanced option doesn't support NTS in EL 20.1.0 .

In EL 30.1.0 Chrony-advanced option supports all the features.

Docker integration

Docker is disabled by default in EL 20.1.0 and EL 30.0.0. In order to use ESF Docker integration, Docker must be enabled manually with the following command, and then the gateway must be restarted:

systemctl enable docker.service docker.socket