Identity V2 Rest API

Rest Identity V2 API


This API can also be accessed via the RequestHandler with app-id: IDN-V2.

The IdentityRestService APIs provides methods to manage the system identities.
Unless otherwise specified, identities with rest.identity permissions can access these APIs.

POST methods

Create User

    "name": "username"
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 409 Conflict (Identity already exists)
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Get User by Name

  • Description: This method allows to get data about an identity in the system. The request body's identity field is used to get only the name of specific identity. It is also possible to retrieve information about the specific user's component configuration, specifying the type of interest.
  • Method: POST
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/identities/byName
    "identity": {
        "name": "test"
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "configurationComponents": ["AdditionalConfigurations", "AssignedPermissions", "PasswordConfiguration"]
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "permissionConfiguration": {
        "permissions": [
                "name": "rest.identity"
    "passwordConfiguration": {
        "passwordChangeNeeded": false,
        "passwordAuthEnabled": true
    "additionalConfigurations": {
        "configurations": []
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 404 Identity does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Get User Default Configuration by Name

  • Description: This method allows to get the default configuration data about an identity in the system. The request body's identity field is used to get only the name of specific identity. It is also possible to retrieve information about the specific user's component default configuration, specifying the type of interest. This method accepts also non-existing user's name as input: in this way it's possible to retrieve which is the default configuration applied when a user is created with the name field only.
  • Method: POST
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/identities/default/byName
"identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "configurationComponents": ["AdditionalConfigurations", "AssignedPermissions", "PasswordConfiguration"]
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "permissionConfiguration": {
        "permissions": []
    "passwordConfiguration": {
        "passwordChangeNeeded": false,
        "passwordAuthEnabled": false
    "additionalConfigurations": {
        "configurations": []
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Create Permission

    "name": "permission"
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 409 Conflict (Permission already exists)
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Validate Identity Configuration

  • Description: Validates the provided list of identity configurations without performing any change to the system. It is possible to specify only the identity body field, or also the configurationComponents one.
  • Method: POST
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/identities/validate
    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "configurationComponents": ["AdditionalConfigurations", "AssignedPermissions", "PasswordConfiguration"]
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 500 Internal Server Error

GET methods

Get defined permissions

  • Description: This method allows you to get the list of the permissions defined in the system
  • Method: GET
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/definedPermissions

No specific permission is required to access this resource.

        "name": "rest.identity"
        "name": "rest.wires.admin"
        "name": "kura.wires.admin"
        "name": ""
        "name": ""
        "name": "test-permission"
        "name": "rest.keystores"
        "name": "rest.assets"
        "name": ""
        "name": "kura.admin"
        "name": "rest.cloudconnection"
        "name": "kura.device"
        "name": "rest.system"
        "name": "kura.maintenance"
        "name": "kura.packages.admin"
        "name": "rest.tamper.detection"
        "name": "rest.deploy"
        "name": "rest.configuration"
        "name": ""
        "name": "rest.command"
        "name": "rest.inventory"
        "name": "rest.position"
        "name": ""
  • 200 OK status
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Get users configuration

  • Description: This method allows you to get the list of the users and their configuration on the system.
  • Method: GET
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/identities
        "identity": {
            "name": "admin"
        "permissionConfiguration": {
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "kura.admin"
        "passwordConfiguration": {
            "passwordChangeNeeded": false,
            "passwordAuthEnabled": true
        "additionalConfigurations": {
            "configurations": []
        "identity": {
            "name": "appadmin"
        "permissionConfiguration": {
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "kura.packages.admin"
                    "name": ""
                    "name": "kura.wires.admin"
        "passwordConfiguration": {
            "passwordChangeNeeded": true,
            "passwordAuthEnabled": true
        "additionalConfigurations": {
            "configurations": []
        "identity": {
            "name": "netadmin"
        "permissionConfiguration": {
            "permissions": [
                    "name": "kura.device"
                    "name": ""
                    "name": ""
        "passwordConfiguration": {
            "passwordChangeNeeded": true,
            "passwordAuthEnabled": true
        "additionalConfigurations": {
            "configurations": []
  • 200 OK status
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Get Password Strenght Requirements

  • Description: This method allows you to get the password requirements.
  • Method: GET
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/passwordStrenghtRequirements

No specific permission is required to access this resource.

    "passwordMinimumLength": 8,
    "digitsRequired": false,
    "specialCharactersRequired": false,
    "bothCasesRequired": false
  • 200 OK status
  • 500 Internal Server Error

PUT methods

Update Identity

    "identity": {
        "name": "username"
    "permissionConfiguration": {
        "permissions": [
                "name": "rest.identity"
    "passwordConfiguration": {
        "passwordChangeNeeded": false,
        "passwordAuthEnabled": true,
        "password": "password123"
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 500 Internal Server Error

DELETE methods

Delete User

  • Description: This method allows to delete an existing user in the system. The only considered field is the name.
  • Method: DELETE
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/identities
    "name": "username"
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 404 username does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Delete Permission

  • Description: This method allows to delete an existing permission in the system. The only considered field is the name.
  • Method: DELETE
  • API PATH: services/identity/v2/permissions
    "name": "permission"
  • 200 OK status
  • 400 Missing or mispelled field name (eg: nme)
  • 404 permission does not exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error