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OPC UA Driver

This Driver implements the client side of the OPC UA protocol using the Driver model. The Driver can be used to interact as a client with OPC UA servers using different abstractions, such as the Wires framework, the Asset model or by directly using the Driver itself.


The OPC UA Driver features include:

  • Support for the OPC UA protocol over TCP.
  • Support for reading and writing OPC UA variable nodes by node ID.

## Installation


Instance creation

A new OPC UA instance can be created either by clicking the New Driver button in the dedicated Drivers and Assets Web UI section or by clicking on the + button under Services. In both cases, the org.eclipse.kura.driver.opcua factory must be selected and a unique name must be provided for the new instance.

Channel configuration

The OPC UA Driver channel configuration is composed of the following parameters:

  • name: the channel name.
  • type: the channel type, (READ, WRITE, or READ_WRITE).
  • value type: the Java type of the channel value.
  • The node id of the variable node to be used, the format of the node id depends on the value of the property.
  • node.namespace.index: The namespace index of the variable node to be used.
  • The type of the node id (see below)

Node ID types

The Driver supports the following node id types:

Node ID TypeFormat of must be parseable into an integer can be any string
OPAQUEOpaque node ids are represented by raw byte arrays. In this case must be the base64 encoding of the node id. must be a string conforming to the format described in the documentation of the java.util.UUID.toString() method.