Install RHEL and ESF on a Reliagate 20-25 (beta)
This is a simple guide to install RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.3 and ESF 4.1.0 on a Reliagate 20-26.
Download “Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 Binary DVD” from
Create a USB installer following directions here:
Connect a keyboard and a mouse to the Reliagate and plug a DisplayPort monitor (the connector is under the Service Panel of the device). Connect the Reliagate to the net using one of the ethernet sockets on the device. Finally, plug the USB stick on the USB port on the side of the Reliagate and power on the device.
The RHEL installation screen will appear on the screen. Select "Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3" and follow the instructions on the screen, selecting the appropriate options and configuring the Internet connection. When asked, select "Infrastructure Server" installation with no additional options
After the installation succeeded, the device will be rebooted.
Log in as root and register and attach to RH repositories:
subscription-manager register --username <username> --password <password>
subscription-manager list --available --all
subscription-manager attach --pool=<poolID>
- Enable extra and optional repos:
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
- According to run the following commands to disable consistent network device naming:
grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args=net.ifnames=0
grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args=biosdevname=0
- Run the following commands to replace the tweak issues related to Fedora/RHEL distros:
systemctl disable systemd-networkd
systemctl disable systemd-resolved
systemctl disable systemd-hostnamed
systemctl disable hostapd
systemctl disable wpa_supplicant
systemctl disable network
systemctl disable NetworkManager
- Install EPEL release repository:
yum install
- Install pre-requisite packages:
yum install deltarpm bzip2 net-tools ntp sudo biosdevname bluez unzip psmisc tar telnet bind iptables iptables-services dhcp hostapd dos2unix setserial iw openvpn monit socat nano minicom gdb usbutils wireless-tools ppp
- Install Java JRE:
a. Download the Server JRE for Linux 64 (server-jre-8u92-linux-x64.tar) from
b. Untar the archive, copy the folder in /opt/ and create a symlink in /usr/bin for java
c. Check Java running the following command
java -version
- Install ESF from installer package for Reliagate 20-26:
a. Download ESF 4.1.0 for Reliagate 20-26 ( from under the System Distribution tab
b. Copy the installer on the device and make it executable using
chmod +x
c. Run
d. Reboot the system
Known Issues:
- Serial ports:
The serial ports /dev/ttyXRUSB1 (COM0) and /dev/ttyXRUSB1 (COM1) are not available on the system. Moreover the ethsetserial command, used to switch between RS232/422/485, is not present. - LEDs and GPIOs:
The following resources (LEDs and GPIOs) are missing in the system:
LED 5: User 1 /dev/led1_green (LED1 green)
/dev/led1_orange (LED1 orange)
LED 6: User 2 /dev/led2_green (LED2 green)
/dev/led2_orange (LED2 orange)
Digital Input 1: /dev/opto1_in/value
Digital Input 2: /dev/opto2_in/value
Digital Input 3: /dev/opto3_in/value
Digital Output 1: /dev/opto1_out/value
Digital Output 2: /dev/opto2_out/value
Digital Output 3: /dev/opto3_out/value - Bluetooth:
Bluetooth 2.1 is not supported since ESF needs Bluez 4.101. - Watchdog:
The watchdog devices are not exported in /dev folder - i2c bus
The i2c bus is not available. - Serial Number
The device serial number is stored in the internal i2c eeprom. Since i2c driver is not supported, the serial number can't be read from the eeprom. To add the serial number to the system, write it to the /etc/eth_serial_number file before installing ESF. During ESF installation, the serial number is read and written to the ESF properties.
Updated about 7 years ago