These docs are for v7.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v7.6.0.

Directory Layout

This section describes the default ESF directory layout that is created upon installation. The default installation directory is as follows:


ESF File Structure

The idea behind the ESF file and folder structure is to separate user and framework configuration files, that is files that can be modified by the user to customise ESF behavior and files that are used by ESF to persist configurations. Moreover, some files are generated at runtime by ESF (i.e. database) and they are kept in specific folders.

The user, console, log4j and packages directories contain files that can be modified by the user (i.e. the configuration for the logging or custom ESF properties).
The framework folder keeps the configuration files used by ESF and that shouldn't be modified by the user.
The data directory is used to persist files that are generated by ESF.
Finally, the plugins folder contains all the jar files needed by ESF.
All of the ESF files are located within /opt/eurotech/esf folder using the structure shown in the following table:

binScripts that start ESF. It contains also scripts to recover the factory configuration.
consoleThis folder contains files that are used to customise the ESF Web UI appearance.
dataData files generated by the ESF runtime.
data/persistanceEmbedded Database files.
packagesDeployment package files that are not part of the standard ESF framework, but are installed at a later time.
frameworkConfiguration data for ESF framework. The user shouldn't directly modify these files.
logLog file from the latest ESF installation.
log4jLogger framework configuration
pluginsAll of the libraries and ESF specific jar files needed for the framework execution.
userConfiguration files generated by the user or by ESF at runtime. These files can be modified by the user to customise the ESF behavior.
user/snapshotsXML snapshot files; up to 10 successive configurations including the original.
user/securityFiles used by Kura to configure security.
.dataBackup files needed to restore factory configuration

Log Files

ESF regularly updates two log files in the /var/log directory:

  • /var/log/kura-console.log - stores the standard console output of the application. This log file contains the eventual errors that are thrown upon ESF startup.

  • /var/log/kura.log - stores all of the logging information from ESF bundles. The logger levels are defined in the log4j.xml configuration file as shown below:


The default logger level in this file is set to INFO. This level may be modified for the whole application or for a specific package as shown in the following example:

<Loggers> <Logger name="org.eclipse" level="info" additivity="false"> <AppenderRef ref="RollingFile"/> </Logger> <Logger name="" level="debug" additivity="false"> <AppenderRef ref="RollingFile"/> </Logger> <Root level="info"> <AppenderRef ref="RollingFile"/> </Root> </Loggers>


Default logger configuration

Due to an issue, the default log appender has to be changed from RandomAccessFileAppender to FileAppender. The log4j.xml has to be modified as follows:

<Appenders> <File name="FileAppender" fileName="${filename}.log"> <PatternLayout> <Pattern>%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p %c{1.} - %m%n</Pattern> </PatternLayout> </File> </Appenders>