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OPC-UA Application

This tutorial will describe how to collect data from an OPC-UA device and publish them on a cloud platform using Wires. The OPC-UA server device will be emulated using a bundle running on ESF.

Configure OPC-UA server simulator

  1. Download the OPC-UA server simulator bundle and install it on ESF. It will create a simulated OPC-UA server that exposes some sensors (light, temperature and water sensor) and some actuators (buzzer, led and fan).
  2. On the Kura web interface, select “OPCUA Server demo” under “Services” and set “server.port” to 1234. Click “Apply” button. This will start an OPC-UA server on port 1234.

Configure Wires OPC-UA application

  1. Install the OPC-UA driver from Eclipse Kura Marketplace
  2. On the Kura web interface, add the OPC-UA driver:
    • Under “Services”, click the “+” button
    • Select “org.eclipse.kura.driver.opcua”, type in a name and click “Apply”: a new service will show up under Services.
    • Configure the new service as follows:
    • endpoint.ip : localhost
    • endpoint.port : 1234
    • : leave blank
  1. Click on “Wires” under “System”
  2. Add a new “Timer” component and configure the interval at which the OPC-UA server will be sampled
  3. Add a new “Asset” with the previously added OPC-UA driver
  4. Configure the new OPC-UA asset, adding new Channels as shown in the following image.
  1. Add a new “Publisher” component and configure the chosen cloud platform stack in “” option
  2. Add “Logger” component
  3. Connect the “Timer” to the “Asset”, and the “Asset” to the “Publisher” and “Logger”.
  4. Click on “Apply” and check on the logs and cloud platform that that data are correctly published.