These docs are for v7.1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v7.6.0.

Network Configuration

To configure the gateway network interfaces using the ESF Gateway Administration Console, select the Network option located in the System area. With this option selected, the Network display appears with a list of available interfaces. Configuration tabs for the selected interface appear on the right side of the screen.By default, the loopback (lo) interface is selected when the network interfaces are displayed. Choose the desired network interface (e.g., eth0, eth1, wlan0, ppp0) and apply the necessary configuration changes using the tabs on the right. Submit the modified configuration by clicking the Apply button.


Configure TCP/IP First

It is recommended that the TCP/IP tab is configured first since it defines how the interface is going to be used.

TCP/IP Configuration

The TCP/IP tab contains the following configuration parameters:- Status

  • Disabled - disables the selected interface (i.e., administratively down).
  • Enabled for LAN - designates the interface for a local network. It can be set as a DHCP server for hosts on the local network and can serve as a default gateway for those hosts; however, it cannot be set as an actual gateway interface for this device. That is, packets must be routed from this interface to another interface that is configured as WAN. The interface is automatically brought up at boot.
  • Enabled for WAN - designates the interface as a gateway to an external network. The interface is automatically brought up at boot.
  • Not Managed - the interface will be ignored by ESF.
  • Layer 2 Only - only the Layer 2 portion of the interface will be configured. The interface is automatically brought up at boot.
  • Configure
    • Manually - allows manual entry of the IP Address and Netmask fields, if the interface is configured as LAN; allows manual entry of the IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, and DNS Servers fields, if the interface is designated as WAN.
    • Using DHCP - configures the interface as a DHCP client obtaining the IP address from a network DHCP server.
  • IP Address - defines the IP address of the interface, if manually configured.
  • Subnet Mask - defines the subnet mask of the interface, if manually configured.
  • Gateway - specifies the default gateway for the unit. (Required field if the interface is designated as WAN and manually configured.)
  • DNS Servers - provides a list of DNS servers, if the interface is designated as WAN and is manually configured.
  • Search Domains - Not implemented.

If the network interface is Enabled for LAN and manually configured (i.e., not a DHCP client), the DHCP & NAT tab allows the DHCP server to be configured and/or NAT (IP forwarding with masquerading) to be enabled.


DHCP & NAT Configuration

The DHCP & NAT tab contains the following configuration parameters:

  • Router Mode
    • DHCP and NAT - indicates that both DHCP server and NAT are enabled.
    • DHCP Only - indicates that DHCP server is enabled and NAT is disabled.
    • NAT Only - indicates that NAT is enabled and DHCP server is disabled.
    • Off - indicates that both DHCP server and NAT are disabled.
  • DHCP Beginning Address - specifies the first address of DHCP pool (i.e., first available client IP address).
  • DHCP Ending Address - specifies the last address of DHCP pool (i.e., last IP address that can be assigned to a client).
  • DHCP Subnet Mask - defines the subnet mask that is assigned to a client.
  • DHCP Default Lease Time - sets the default time (in minutes) that the client retains the provided IP address. It must be greater than 0.
  • DHCP Max Lease Time - sets the maximum time (in minutes) that the client retains the provided IP address. It must be greater than 0.
  • Pass DNS Servers through DHCP - enables DNS Proxy (i.e., passing DNS servers through DHCP).

If NAT is enabled and there is another interface designated as WAN (e.g., ppp0), the following iptables rules are added to the custom automatic NAT service rules section of the /etc/init.d/firewall script:

# custom automatic NAT service rules (if NAT option is enabled for LAN interface)
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o ppp0 -j ACCEPT

Also, IP forwarding is enabled in the kernel as follows:

# allow fowarding if any masquerade is defined
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

The rules shown above create an Overloaded (i.e., many-to-one) NAT. This type of network address translation maps multiple IP addresses on the LAN side to a single IP address on the WAN side, allowing internet access from hosts on a local network via a gateway (WAN) interface. Note that for NAT rules to be added, it is insufficient to enable NATing through the DHCP & NAT tab of the LAN interface; there must also be another interface designated as WAN.


Network Linux Configuration

When applying a new network configuration, ESF changes the configuration files of the Linux networking subsystem. Please read the following note before proceeding with manual changes of the Linux networking configuration.


Avoid Conflicting Configuration Changes

Eurotech does NOT recommend performing manual editing of the Linux networking configuration files when the gateway configuration is being managed through ESF. While Linux may correctly accept manual changes, ESF may not be able to interpret the new configuration resulting in an inconsistent state.

Network Configuration properties

The Network configuration can be modified using the ESF Gateway Administration Console, as described above, the Configuration Service or appling a proper snapshot.
The following table describes all the properties related to the Network Configuration. The network configuration pid is

Common properties

net.interfacesStringComma-separated list of the interface names in the device
net.interface.<interface>.typeStringThe type of the network interface; possible values are: ETHERNET, WIFI, MODEM and LOOPBACK
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.modeStringFor wifi interfaces, specify the modality; possible values are INFRA and MASTER
net.interface.<interface>.config.nat.enabledBooleanEnable the NAT feature

IPv4 properties

net.interface.<interface>.config.ip4.statusStringThe status of the interface for the IPv4 configuration; possibile values are: netIPv4StatusDisabled, netIPv4StatusUnmanaged, netIPv4StatusL2Only,
netIPv4StatusEnabledLAN, netIPv4StatusEnabledWAN,
net.interface.<interface>.config.ip4.addressStringThe IPv4 address assigned to the network interface
net.interface.<interface>.config.ip4.prefixShortThe IPv4 netmask assigned to the network interface
net.interface.<interface>.config.ip4.gatewayStringThe IPv4 address of the default gateway
net.interface.<interface>.config.ip4.dnsServersStringComma-separated list of dns servers

IPv4 DHCP Server properties

net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.enabledBooleanSpecify if the DHCP server is enabled
net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.rangeStartStringFirst IP address available for clients
net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.rangeEndStringLast IP address available for clients
net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.defaultLeaseTimeIntegerThe default lease time
net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.maxLeaseTimeIntegerThe maximum lease time
net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.prefixShortThe netmask for the available IP addresses
net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpServer4.passDnsBooleanSpecify if the DNS server addresses has to be passed through DHCP

IPv4 DHCP Client properties

net.interface.<interface>.config.dhcpClient4.enabledBooleanSpecify if the DHCP client is enabled

WiFi Master (Access Point) properties

net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.driverStringThe driver used for the connection
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.passphrasePasswordThe password for the access point
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.ssidStringThe SSID of the access point
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.securityTypeStringThe security protocol for the wireless network; possible values are SECURITY_NONE, SECURITY_WEP,
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.modeStringThe mode of the wireless connection; for the access point mode set it to MASTER
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.channelStringThe channel to be used for the access point
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.radioModeStringSpecify the 802.11 radio mode; possible values are RADIO_MODE_80211a, RADIO_MODE_80211b, RADIO_MODE_80211g, RADIO_MODE_80211nHT20, RADIO_MODE_80211_AC
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.ignoreSSIDBooleanSpecify if the SSID broadcast is ignored
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.groupCiphersStringGroup ciphers, possible values are CCMP, TKIP, and CCMP_TKIP
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.master.pairwiseCiphersStringPairwise ciphers, possible values are CCMP, TKIP, and CCMP_TKIP

WiFi Infra (Station Mode) properties

net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.ssidStringThe SSID of the wireless network to connect to
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.channelStringThe channel of the wireless network to connect to
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.bgscanStringSet the background scans; possible values have the form <mode>:<shortInterval>:<rssiThreshold>:<longInterval>

mode (String) is one of NONE, SIMPLE, or LEARN

shortInterval (Integer) sets the Bgscan short interval (secs)

rssiThreshold (Integer) sets the Bgscan Signal strength threshold (dBm)

longInterval (Integer) sets the Bgscan long interval (secs)
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.passphrasePasswordThe password for the wireless network
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.ignoreSSIDBooleanSpecify if a scan for SSID is required before attempting to associate
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.modeStringThe mode of the wireless connection; for station mode set to INFRA
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.pingAccessPointBooleanEnable pinging the access point after connection is established
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.driverStringThe driver used for the connection
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.securityTypeStringThe security protocol for the wireless network; possible values are SECURITY_NONE, SECURITY_WEP,
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.groupCiphersStringGroup ciphers, possible values are CCMP, TKIP, and CCMP_TKIP
net.interface.<interface>.config.wifi.infra.pairwiseCiphersStringPairwise ciphers, possible values are CCMP, TKIP, and CCMP_TKIP

Cellular Modem properties

net.interface.<interface>.config.enabledBooleanEnable the interface
net.interface.<interface>.config.idleIntegerThe idle option of the PPP daemon
net.interface.<interface>.config.usernameStringThe username used for the connection
net.interface.<interface>.config.passwordPasswordThe password used for the connection
net.interface.<interface>.config.pdpTypeStringThe PdP type; possible values are IP, PPP and IPv6
net.interface.<interface>.config.maxFailIntegerThe maxfail option of the PPP daemon
net.interface.<interface>.config.authTypeStringThe authentication type; possible values are None, Auto, CHAP and PAP
net.interface.<interface>.config.lpcEchoIntervalIntegerthe lcp-echo-interval option of the PPP daemon
net.interface.<interface>.config.activeFilterStringThe active-filter option of the PPP daemon
net.interface.<interface>.config.lpcEchoFailureIntegerThe lcp-echo-failure option of the PPP daemon
net.interface.<interface>.config.diversityEnabledBooleanEnable the LTE diversity antenna
net.interface.<interface>.config.resetTimeoutIntegerThe modem reset timeout in minutes
net.interface.<interface>.config.gpsEnabledBooleanEnable the GPS device in the modem if available
net.interface.<interface>.config.persistBooleanThe persist option of the PPP daemon
net.interface.<interface>.config.apnStringThe modem Access Point Name
net.interface.<interface>.config.dialStringStringThe dial string used for connecting to the APN
net.interface.<interface>.config.holdoffIntegerThe holdoff option of the PPP daemon (in seconds)
net.interface.<interface>.config.pppNumIntegerAssigned ppp interface number

Network Configuration recipes

This section presents some snapshot examples to perform basic operations on networking. The snippets can be modified adapting them to the required configuration (i.e. changing the interface name in the property to be applied).


Be aware that an inconsitent or wrong configuration can compromise the network functionality of the gateway. Try the new configuration on a test device before appling it in a production environment!

Moreover, if a property is not present in the new snapshot, the old value is used for the configuration. So, the best practice is to set all the needed properties in the snapshot.

Disable a network interface

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<esf:configurations xmlns:esf="" xmlns:ocd="">
    <esf:configuration pid="">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.type" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.status" type="String">

Configure an ethernet interface for WAN with DHCP client enabled and custom DNS server

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<esf:configurations xmlns:esf="" xmlns:ocd="">
    <esf:configuration pid="">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.type" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.dnsServers" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpClient4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.status" type="String">

Configure an ethernet interface for LAN with DHCP server enabled and NAT disabled

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<esf:configurations xmlns:esf="" xmlns:ocd="">
    <esf:configuration pid="">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.type" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.dnsServers" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpClient4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.status" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.rangeEnd" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.defaultLeaseTime" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.prefix" type="Short">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.passDns" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.rangeStart" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.dhcpServer4.maxLeaseTime" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.address" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.prefix" type="Short">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.ip4.gateway" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.enp5s0.config.nat.enabled" type="Boolean">

Configure a wireless interface as access point with DHCP server and NAT enabled

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<esf:configurations xmlns:esf="" xmlns:ocd="">
    <esf:configuration pid="">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.type" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.status" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.gateway" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.dnsServers" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.prefix" type="Short">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.address" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpClient4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.rangeStart" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.maxLeaseTime" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.defaultLeaseTime" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.rangeEnd" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.prefix" type="Short">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.passDns" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.nat.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.mode" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.driver" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="true" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.passphrase" type="Password">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.ssid" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.securityType" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.mode" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.radioMode" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.ignoreSSID" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.master.pairwiseCiphers" type="String">

Configure a wireless interface as station mode with DHCP client enabled

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<esf:configurations xmlns:esf="" xmlns:ocd="">
    <esf:configuration pid="">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.type" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.status" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.ip4.dnsServers" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpClient4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.dhcpServer4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.mode" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.ssid" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.bgscan" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="true" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.passphrase" type="Password">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.ignoreSSID" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.mode" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.pingAccessPoint" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.driver" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.wlp1s0.config.wifi.infra.securityType" type="String">

Enable a cellular interface

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<esf:configurations xmlns:esf="" xmlns:ocd="">
    <esf:configuration pid="">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.type" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.ip4.status" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.ip4.dnsServers" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.dhcpClient4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.dhcpServer4.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.idle" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="true" name="net.interface.1-1.config.password" type="Password">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.pdpType" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.ipAddress" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.maxFail" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.authType" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.lcpEchoInterval" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.enabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.activeFilter" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.lcpEchoFailure" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.diversityEnabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.resetTimeout" type="Integer">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.gpsEnabled" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.persist" type="Boolean">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.dialString" type="String">
            <esf:property array="false" encrypted="false" name="net.interface.1-1.config.apn" type="String">