BoltGATE 20-31

The BoltGATE 20-31 is a modular edge gateway that can be extended in physical capabilities by plugging add-on devices like the Eurotech BoltAIR.
The plugging of additional components can require few changes to the ESF component configuration that will be described in the following paragraphs.


On EL 20.1.0, it may be required to force the installation of ESF with the following command:

rpm -ih --nosignature /tmp/esf-boltgate-20-31-<version>-1.corei7_64.rpm

GPS Configuration

For the BTGATE-20-31-21, the GPS device USB address is 1-6. When a BTAIR-20-31-11 is plugged to the main board, the reference for the ESF Position Service needs to be updated to 4-6 to let ESF read the position values.

Gpsd Coexistence

In Systems with EL 20.1.0 or later EL releases, it is possible to configure ESF to coexist with gpsd to leverage the GPS RTK feature.
In a BTGATE-20-31-21, the systemd-timesyncd and the gpsd services need to be enabled via systemctl. The ESF Position service needs, then, to be configured to use the USB address 1-7 and to set the serial port speed to 9600 bauds.

In order to have gpsd properly functioning on a version of ESF with network, port 2947 needs to be opened on the loopback interface lo.
By default, gpsd will try to open also an IPv6 socket on port 2947; since the ESF firewall does not support IPv6 rules, the user should edit with superuser privileges the file /lib/systemd/system/gpsd.socket, and comment out with an # the IPv6 ListenStream definition, so that the file will look like the following:

Description=GPS (Global Positioning System) Daemon Sockets                                            
# ListenStream=[::1]:2947                                                                             
# To allow gpsd remote access, start gpsd with the -G option and                                      
# uncomment the next two lines:                                                                       
# ListenStream=[::1]:2947                                                                             
# ListenStream=                                                                           

Ethernet Configuration

The default configuration of the Ethernet interfaces for a BTGATE-20-31-21 is the following:

Interface NameGateway LabelStatus
eno1ETH2Enabled for LAN - Static address with DHCP server
enp2s0ETH1Enabled for WAN - DHCP Client
enp5s0ETH0Enabled for LAN - DHCP Client

When a BTAIR-20-31-11 is plugged to the BoltGATE, the ethernet setup is as follows:

Interface NameGateway LabelStatus
eno1ETH2Enabled for LAN - Static address with DHCP server
enp2s0ETH1Enabled for WAN - DHCP Client

Wireless Configuration

The default ESF configuration enables the Wi-Fi interface of the BoltGATE 20-31. For the BTGATE-20-31-21 and BTGATE-20-31-31 the integrated wireless interface is named wlp1s0
This interface is Enabled and configured in Access-point mode

When a BTAIR-20-31-11 is plugged to a BoltGATE 20-31, a new interface named wlp6s0 will be available. It is disabled by default in ESF.

Firewall Configuration

Following the ESF firewall configuration for the BoltGATE 20-31:

PortProtocolPermitted NetworkPermitted Interface Name

Modem Support

ESF completely supports the BoltGATE 20-31 internal modem.
When a BTAIR-20-31-11 is plugged, it adds an additional modem to the system. ESF is still capable to configure and control such additional modem, but is not capable to reset it as well the internal modem. In this case a system reboot may be required or the reset feature needs to be disabled.