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Snapshot Management

The overall configuration of ESF is stored in an XML file called a snapshot. This file includes all of the parameters for every service running in ESF. The original configuration file is named snapshot_0.xml. This section describes how snapshots may be used.

Each time a configuration change is made to one of the ESF components, a new XML file is created using the naming convention snapshot_[time as a long integer].xml. The nine most recent snapshots are saved, as well as the original snapshot 0.

How to Access Snapshots

To display snapshots using the Gateway Administration Console, select Settings from the System area, and then click on the Snapshots tab. The following three operations are available: Download, Upload and Apply, and Rollback.


How to Use Snapshots


The Download option provides the ability to save a snapshot XML file onto your computer. This file may then be edited, uploaded back to the device, or transferred to another equivalent device.


Upload and Apply

The Upload and Apply option provides the ability to import an XML file from your computer and upload it onto the device. This function updates every service in ESF with the parameters defined in the XML file.


Carefully select the file to be uploaded. An incorrect file may crash ESF and make it unresponsive.



The Rollback option provides the ability to restore the system to a previous configuration.