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IEC60870-5-104 Server Driver v1.1.0

Set up an IEC60870-5 TCP/IP server in Eclipse Kura™ and Everyware™ Software Framework (ESF) with a few configuration steps.

Release date: October 26, 2021


Add-on for Eclipse Kura™ and its commercially supported, enterprise-ready edition Everyware™ Software Framework (ESF) by Eurotech.

This driver enables Eclipse Kura or ESF to implement an IEC 60870-5-104 server.


Contrarily to other solutions published to the Eclipse Marketplace, the add-on is not meant to be installed in the Eclipse IDE.
To install the add-on drag the Install button to the tab of the browser with the Administrator Console of Kura or ESF.


IoT Frameworks

This add-on requires Kura [4.1,6.0) or ESF [6.1,8.0).


This add-on is device-independent.

Operating Systems

This add-on is for Linux only.


This add-on is for x86_64, ARMv7 and AArch64 architectures.

New and Noteworthy

This update includes the following changes:

  • Fixed server driver issue that caused some data points to be missing from interrogation results. This issue occurred in interrogation returning large data point sets.
  • Implemented interrogation result sorting by typeID and information object address in server driver. In previous versions the results were not sorted and order could vary across driver restarts.

Known Issues


Third-party Content

This add-on contains dependencies that are not provided by the IoT framework.
Along with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) dependencies, an add-on may distribute third-party software that is commercially lincensed to Eurotech under the clause of the End User License Agreement.

lib60870: IEC60870 protocol library

Package Name: lib60870: IEC60870 protocol library
Package Version: 2.2.1
Package License: Commercial
Package Homepage:

mbedtls: SSL Library

Package Name: mbedtls: SSL Library
Package Version: 2.6.0
Package License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Package Homepage:


The bundles of this deployment package are signed with a new certificate (DN: EUROTECH S.p.A. ESF Add-On Bundle Signing; S/N: 19) issued on May 2020.
The bundles will not start in ESF 6.1.1 or earlier versions when the framework runs in Production Mode unless the security policy of the framework is patched using the ESF Policy Updater.
The bundles will start normally when the framework runs in Development Mode.

Everyware Software Framework End User License Agreement (EULA)

This ESF add-on is provided by Eurotech to the Eclipse Kura community only for the non-professional purpose of developing, testing, prototyping, or demonstrating
Read the EULA carefully before installing the add-on.

For commercial use contact your Eurotech local sales representative.